Duke Global Health Innovation Center provides leadership training for Beijing’s Anding Hospital delegates

Duke Global Health Innovation Center provides leadership training for Beijing’s Anding Hospital delegates

Duke Global Health Innovation Center's Arthur Huang, Senior Manager of Programs, and Krishna Udayakumar, Director, welcomed Beijing Anding Hospital leaders to Duke University on November 11 for the start of a two-week Hospital Leadership training. This program includes presentations on clinical research, hospital IT and informatics, safety and quality, strategic human resource management, patient care, strategic management practices, quality improvement, leadership development, and patient safety. Presenters include: Ted Pappas, MD, Vice Dean for Medical Affairs, Duke University School of Medicine, Distinguished Professor of Surgical Innovation, Duke University Chief, Division of Advanced Oncologic and GI Surgery Lisa Pickett, MD, FACS, Assistant Professor of Surgery and Medicine, Duke University, and Chief Medical Officer and Trauma and Critical Care Surgeon, Duke University Hospital Jonathan G. Bae, MD, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Patient Safety…
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Accelerating the Process of Saving Lives at Birth

The Global Health Innovation Center's innovation assessment framework is one of many tools developed to assess the support needs of a portfolio of global health innovators. While this frameworkwas developed to help us better support the innovators in our program, this tool can also be helpful to other stakeholders supporting global health innovators as they consider what type of scaling help might be needed. The framework helps accelerator programs design activities that support the growth of innovators. The tool provides a data collection framework to evaluate individual innovator progress and the effectiveness of accelerators in helping innovators progress along their scaling pathway. The framework also serves as a self- assessment tool for early-stage global health innovators, providing the means for a more objective self-evaluation to understand their stage of growth…
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We’re all about saving lives

We’re all about saving lives

Duke's Global Health Innovation Center brought its Accelerating Saving Lives at Birth program to share with other participants in the Global Grand Challenges Summit this week in Ethiopia. The summit is a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solvekey global health and development problems, and it is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Accelerating Saving Lives at Birth (A-SL@B) program, launched in January 2018, is a next-generation accelerator that supports select Saving Lives at Birth (SL@B) innovators. A-SL@B amplifies the impact of promising maternal and newborn health innovations by assisting organizations in reaching scale and sustainability with evidence of impact. The A-SL@B program focuses on four areas of innovator support critical to successful scaling: Market, Business Model, Team, and Product/Service Innovation. Our proven capacity-strengthening strategy for innovators…
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Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the GHIC and IiH, gives keynote address at Asia Pacific MedTech Forum

Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the GHIC and IiH, gives keynote address at Asia Pacific MedTech Forum

Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the GHIC and IiH, gave the keynote address--Defining the Future of Health: Innovations to Transform Health Systems and Improve Health--at the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2019. In his address Udayakumar talked about the connection between poverty and healthcare. While extreme poverty is declining, it's declining too slowly, he said. "At this pace, only 39%-63% of the population will have access to essential health services by 2030." At the same time, out-of-pocket costs for healthcare are rising. In 2015, 930 million individuals spent more than 10% of their household income on healthcare; the number of families impoverished by out-of-pocket health expenditures is growing. These barriers to affordable, quality healthcare present an opportunity for innovators who understand the needs of consumers, use digital technology, develop asset-light business models,…
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Duke University School of Medicine Hosts Research Week, October 14-17

Duke University School of Medicine Hosts Research Week, October 14-17

The inaugural Duke University School of Medicine Research Week will be held from Monday, October 14 through Thursday, October 17, 2019 on the sixth floor of the Trent Semans Center for Health Education. Activities for the week will include presentations from four School of Medicine faculty members, a Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI) Research Town Hall, the Robert J. Lefkowitz, MD, Distinguished Lecture, Innovation Jam, a Clinical Keynote Lecture, and a poster session featuring the research of residents, trainees and PhD students from clinical and basic science departments. CME Accredited: Each daily 1 hour lecture(s) is designated for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit. Check-in and lunch will begin daily at 11:30 a.m. Boxed lunches provided. Event Registration
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Dr. Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the Duke Global Health Innovation Center & Executive Director of Innovations in Healthcare moderates UNGA panel on private and public leadership to ensure healthy lives for all.

Dr. Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the Duke Global Health Innovation Center & Executive Director of Innovations in Healthcare moderates UNGA panel on private and public leadership to ensure healthy lives for all.

Dr. Krishna Udayakumar, Director of the Duke Global Health Innovation Center & Executive Director of Innovations in Healthcare will moderate a panel discussion today, How to take leadership on SDG 3, as part of the 74th United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York City. This panel brings together a diverse set of stakeholders with an interest in developing innovative solutions to ensure healthy lives for all. The event is co-hosted by The Permanent Mission of Denmark to the UN, The Royal Consulate General of Denmark in New York, The UN Global Compact, and LEO Pharma. Melissa Powell, Chief of Staff of the UN Global Compact, and Magnus Heunicke, Minister of Health of Denmark, will introduce the session. Panelists are: Ranieri Guerra, Assistant Director-General for the Universal Health Coverage HLM,…
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Designing Fulfilling Careers in Global Health

United for Sight will offer a free webinar, "Beyond Good Intentions: Designing Fulfilling and Impactful Careers in Global Health," on October 3rd, from 4 to 5 pm EST. The webinar will include a panel discussion and the opportunity to ask panelists about career development. Find out how to identify and design a career path, strategies for pursuing careers in global health, and lessons learned in the field. This webinar is ideal for students and professionals interested in global health, as well as university advisors and faculty. Registration is available at: https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/100319webinar. The live webinar will be recorded, and registered participants will automatically receive a link to the webinar recording when it becomes available. Those who attend live will have the opportunity to submit questions to the panelists. The panel will be…
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NHS Innovation Accelerator Call for Fellowship Applications

The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA), an initiative delivered in partnership with England’s 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) and hosted at UCLPartners, announces its fifth call for fellowship applications. The deadline is Oct. 23, 2019. The program is designed to support innovators by scaling their high impact, evidence-based innovations across the English NHS and wider healthcare system for the benefit of patients, staff, and the population. The twelve Fellows selected will join existing Fellows and Alumni supporting 52 innovations. Applicants can be the inventor of the innovation, the project lead or the representative of an innovation. They can be clinicians, academics, from any size enterprise, or from a public-sector, charitable or not-for-profit organization. Applicants’ innovations should address the following criteria: one or more of the commitments laid out in the…
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