World Mosquito Day 2020
Today, we observe World Mosquito Day to commemorate British doctor Sir Ronald Ross's discovery in 1897 that female mosquitoes transmit malaria. Malaria is a serious disease transmitted to humans through mosquitos. It causes fever, chills, and other flu-like symptoms. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening. In 2018, there were an estimated 228 million cases of malaria and 405,000 deaths worldwide. World Mosquito Day 2020 aims to raise awareness about the causes of malaria, its symptoms, and effective interventions. One of the most effective malaria-prevention interventions in high-burden countries is to sleep under a long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net, designed to physically block and kill mosquitoes. In 2007, the WHO recommended that all countries purchase and provide LLINs to their people at no or low cost. Even with significant financial backing from governments and international…