Accelerating the Process of Saving Lives at Birth

The Global Health Innovation Center’s innovation assessment framework is one of many tools developed to assess the support needs of a portfolio of global health innovators. While this frameworkwas developed to help us better support the innovators in our program, this tool can also be helpful to other stakeholders supporting global health innovators as they consider what type of scaling help might be needed.

The framework helps accelerator programs design activities that support the growth of innovators. The tool provides a data collection framework to evaluate individual innovator progress and the effectiveness of accelerators in helping innovators progress along their scaling pathway.

The framework also serves as a self- assessment tool for early-stage global health innovators, providing the means for a more objective self-evaluation to understand their stage of growth within each of the four domains.

In addition, the framework assists funders and investors evaluate innovators and understand how they might best support innovators’ growth and impact. The tool provides insight into whether an innovation is a good fit for a particular portfolio.